The Office of Sponsored Programs reviews the following aspects of a proposal prior to submission to the sponsor:
- Adherence to proposal guidelines (i.e., RFAs, FOAs), sponsor guidelines (e.g., NSF PAPPG, NIH GPS), University requirements, and Federal guidance (e.g., Uniform Guidance)
- Use of correct sponsor-mandated forms (e.g., FORMS-D vs. FORMS-E)
- Verification of eligibility/institutional selection for Limited Submissions
- Individual items of cost reflected in the budget/justification for allowability and appropriateness of costs.
- Application of appropriate fringe benefit and indirect (F&A) cost rates
- Application of correct Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) exclusions
- Completion on the annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure by all investigators
- Potential conflict of interest issues
- If applicable, consortium Statement/Letter of Intent (SOI/LOI), budget, justification, and scope of work
- If applicable, required Subaward documentation, including Statement/Letter of Intent (SOI/LOI), budget, justification, scope of work, Verification of compliance with FCOI (for prime sponsor PHS entities)
- Compliance approvals (e.g., RBL Letters)
- Sponsor receipt confirmation
All remaining aspects of the proposal submission, including budget calculations, will be the responsibility of the submitting area/department. Any revisions that may be required will also be the responsibility of the area/department.
The Office of Sponsored Programs deadline for proposal submission is four (4) business days for all submissions.
As a reminder, the OSP does not typically reject applications originally submitted without errors unless there was a system problem with the transfer of the application from to the agency resulting in inaccurate or garbled images. Requests for resubmission of error-free applications must be submitted in writing to the Vice Chancellor for Sponsored Programs and Research Operations.
Please Note: If an external sponsor system submission is involved,
- Alert OSP as soon as possible
- Ensure external submission is finalized when the MyFunding record is approved by the department