The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Federal Contract Services team is responsible for reviewing proposals, awards, and other agreements related to activities funded by federal contracts or Other Transaction Agreements.
Federal Contract Services
Clarification of sponsor and University requirements for sponsored research funding.
Final pre-submission proposal review (including Midstream Proposals) for accuracy of budget components (including rates, such as fringe benefits and indirect costs), compliance verification with University policies & procedures and sponsor guidelines, and Institutional signature. All proposals for external funding must be reviewed and approved by OSP prior to submission to the sponsor.
Specialized assistance for solicitations (a.k.a. Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Awards (RFAs), Request for Quotes (RFQs)) and Pre-Award Revision submissions (a.k.a. Business and Technical Questions, Best and Final Offer (BAFO), and Final Proposal Revisions (FPRs)). All Pre-Award Revision submissions must be reviewed and approved by OSP prior to submission to the sponsor.
Negotiation and acceptance of awards from federal contracts (as well as modifications). All award amendments/modifications must be negotiated by the appropriate Federal Contract Services team member.
Collaboration with other central administrative offices, such as Sponsored Projects Accounting, Purchasing Services, Innovation Institute, Risk Management, and Office of University Counsel, on issues involving specialized subject matter.
Issuance and negotiation of all non-financial agreements related to a federal contract award, such as material transfer agreements, confidentiality / nondisclosure agreements, data use agreements, etc.
Assistance with select post-award matters such as prior approvals, budget revisions, no-cost extensions, and third party agreement issuance.
Federal Contract Service Responsibilities
Proposals that may result in a federal contract or a subcontract under a prime federal contract
Proposals that may result in an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) or a subcontract under an OTA
Awards in the form of federal contracts, OTAs, or subcontracts under a federal contract or OTA
Nonfinancial agreements related to proposals for federal contracts / OTAs or awarded federal contracts / OTAs, including cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs)
Phone: 412-624-7400
Hours: M-F 8:30-5:00