Once the MyFunding Award record (or Modification of that record) is approved by the Dean’s area, and the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has obtained a fully-executed award (or modification), OSP will activate the MyFunding Award record and notify Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) to create an account. Once SPA creates an account, expenses can be charged to that project in accordance with the sponsor's requirements and allowable costs.
Prior to account activation, OSP requires:
- Completion of COI disclosures and training modules, as applicable;
- COI approval, if potential conflicts are identified;
- Completed and signed COI CITI Training Table;
- Current IRB approval, IACUC approval, Congruency Review, FRIARSs etc., if applicable;
Advance Account Requests
An advance account is a sponsored project account that is requested and approved prior to the receipt of a properly executed agreement. Advance account numbers are appropriate for the following circumstance:
When the IRB or IACUC approval process is not completed but the PI is ready to start the study or project.
To allow for proper sponsored project management, an advance account number is an integral internal accounting control within our sponsored project accounting system. To request an advance account number, the Department should refer to the “Requesting an Advance Account” Quick Guide. The Office of Sponsored Programs will forward the appropriate information to SPA for advance account activation.