Outgoing Subawards

The Grants Management Services Team (GM Team) is responsible for issuing subawards when the prime funding of an agreement is a federal grant, cooperative agreements, state agreement and a foundation award. The process for initiating a subaward with the GM Team is as follows:

  1. Determine whether the outgoing agreement is a subaward or vendor agreement. Refer to OSP’s Subawards page for the criteria for determining a subaward processed by OSP vs. a vendor agreement processed by Purchasing Services.
  2. If the outgoing agreement is a subaward, complete the outgoing subaward request in MyRA. Be sure the Prime Award Source of Funding is marked Federal Grant/Cooperative Agreement or Non-Profit Agreement, so the request is routed correctly.
  3. GM Subaward Team will provide the draft subaward to the PI / Department Administrator for review. GM Subaward Team will often require clarifications on the subaward request.
  4. Once the draft is approved by the PI / Department Administrator, GM Subaward Team will forward the subaward to the subrecipient. GM Subaward Team will negotiate terms and conditions with the subrecipient as needed and seek PI / Department Administrator and other central office input on negotiations as needed.
  5. After fully executed, GM Subaward Team will provide the PI / Department Administrator with the signed copy of the subaward. The PI is responsible for administering the subaward in accordance with the terms and conditions of the signed agreement.

The process for issuing a subaward amendment/modification is largely the same as the process for a new subaward. The PI / Department Administrator will initiate the process by requesting an amendment in the existing SWD record in MyRA and completing the SmartForm.