Face Page or Cover Page
The face/cover pages typically include the following:
- Principal Investigator's name, address, phone number, email address
- Title of the proposal
- Sponsor name and address
- Period of Performance
- Amount requested
- Institutional information
- Signature of institution's authorized official
The abstract is a general outline of the proposed research, including the objectives, methodology, and significance of the research to be conducted. This should be in laymen's terms.
Scope of Work or Research Plan
One of the most critical elements of a research proposal is the Scope of Work. This should provide a full and detailed explanation of the work to be conducted, which typically include project goals, deliverables, and investigator's responsibilities.
Project Budget and Budget Justification
The project budget is a reasonable estimate of the estimated financial support required to conduct the project, including justification of all proposed budget expenditures.
Typical budget categories include, but are not limited to:
Direct Costs
- Salaries
- Fringe Benefits
- Equipment
- Materials and Supplies
- Travel
- Publication Costs
- Consultants
- Subcontractors
- Other
Indirect Costs
- Facilities and Administration Costs (F&A): F&A Rates are negotiated with the University of Pittsburgh cognizant federal agency, the Department of Health and Human Services. Current Indirect Cost Rates should be used in every proposal. Facilities and Administration costs are also referred to as indirect costs or overhead costs.
Cost Sharing
- Cost sharing is defined as any costs to the project not borne by the sponsor. Please see the University policy on cost sharing for additional information: https://www.controller.pitt.edu/cost-accounting/
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Biographical Sketch
Other Support
Additional Information (sponsor specific)
Sponsors may require additional information/documentation. Please refer to the sponsor guidelines for this information. Additional information may include the following:
- Letters of support
- Compliance certifications
- Evidence of 501(c)3 designation