The following documentation must be included in every MyFunding proposal record:
- Sponsor guidelines (i.e., RFP, RFA, FOA)
- Sponsor-required proposal documents
- Sponsor-mandated cover/signature page, if applicable
- Detailed or Modular budget and budget justification that includes names of individuals as listed in MyDisclosures
- Scope of work
- Subaccount approvals, if applicable (Guidance | MyFunding Quick Guide)
- Indirect (F&A) cost waivers, if applicable
- Principal Investigator (PI) certification (if the submission is a Multi-PD/PI submission, PI certification is required for each institutional PI – see MyFunding Quick Guide)
- Assurance that all investigators and key personnel have completed the following:
- Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Intellectual Property Assignment Agreements (federal projects only)
- If Pitt is the proposed subrecipient on the proposal (i.e., if the proposal is funded, it would result in an incoming subaward to Pitt), a Consortium Statement of Intent with Pitt listed as the Subrecipient (template found on Forms & Waivers page)
- If Pitt’s proposal includes subawards to other institutions, the record must include the following for every subrecipient:
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Consortium Statement of Intent (template found on Forms & Waivers page)
- Scope of Work
- Verification of compliance with the Federal Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Regulation, if the prime sponsor is a PHS agency*
*Further requirements for FCOI: To confirm that the subrecipient is listed as compliant with the PHS Financial Conflict of Interest rules and regulations, visit the FDP FCOI Clearinghouse and click on List of compliance institutions and entities to locate the subrecipient.
- If the institution is listed: save the Institutional Certification of Compliance as a PDF and include the PDF as an attachment in the MyFunding FP record
- If the institution is not listed: the subrecipient must complete the following FCOI forms, which must be included as attachments in the MyFunding FP record (both forms found on Forms & Waivers page):
- Subrecipient Proposal Certification
- Subrecipient Proposal SFI Disclosure (if applicable)