Tip of the Week
What is a CRADA?
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) are formal research and development agreements between a Federal agency and...
What is an Assistance Listing Number?
Assistance Listing Numbers (ALN), formerly known as Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), are related to Federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or...
What is a cooperative agreement, and how is it different from a grant?
Like grants, cooperative agreements are funding mechanisms used by the Federal Government. The main difference between a grant and a cooperative agreement is that a cooperative agreement involves...
National Science Foundation FAQs on Current and Pending Support
On October 5, 2020, the National Science Foundation (NSF) started requiring the use of new formats for Current and Pending Support. Examples of questions include:
Do you need to extend a Data Use or Material Transfer Agreement?
Investigators wishing to continue using data or materials after their Data Use Agreement (DUA) or Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) expires should request an amendment prior to the agreement’s...
How do incoming faculty complete a COI disclosure before their start date?
These incoming faculty members still need to adhere to the University’s Conflict of Interest (COI) policy and submit an annual COI disclosure ...
Changes to Department Research Administration Contacts
Please let the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) know if the research administration contacts in your department or unit change due to retirement, reorganization, new hires, etc. OSP can work...
If my proposal has a direct and a prime sponsor, which due date should I enter in MyFunding?
In proposal submissions where Pitt has both a direct and a prime sponsor, the direct sponsor’s due date should be entered in the “Application Submission Deadline” field in MyFunding. Using the...
Completing your COI Annual Disclosure by July 15
The deadline for the 2020 annual Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure filings is Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Annual COI disclosures must be completed and...
Did you know there are two steps to submitting an NIH RPPR?
The submission of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) requires 2 independent steps:
What is the difference between a direct sponsor and prime sponsor?
A direct sponsor is the one giving the funds directly to the University. A prime sponsor, or prime funding source, is the originating source of funds. Pitt is often required to comply with both...
Submitting Federal Contract Documents to Sponsors through OSP
Sponsors that issue federal contracts may request that investigators provide cost quotes, statements of work, salary information, or other pricing and budgetary details in early project...
NIH eRA Commons Document Requirements
Documents uploaded to National Institutes of Health (NIH) eRA Commons must meet the following criteria for successful submission to NIH:
NSF Releases FAQs for Current and Pending Support
The National Science Foundation (NSF) released Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in response to the revised ...
NIH Releases Guidance for FY20 Salary Cap
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released on February 5, 2020 the increase in salary cap for Executive Level II of the ...