Tip of the Week
Do I Need to Complete an Internal Detailed Budget in MyFunding when Using a Modular Budget in My NIH Grant Application?
The PERIS™ MyFunding module has been updated to better accommodate the use of National Institutes of Health (NIH) modular...
How Do I Incorporate Graduate Student Fringe Benefits in MyFunding?
To incorporate graduate student fringe benefits in a funding proposal budget within the...
How Does the NIH Define a Clinical Trial?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines a Clinical Trial as “ A research study in which one or more human...
Submitting Pre-Proposal Information in MyFunding
When a sponsor requires or recommends the submission of pre-proposal material such as a Letter of Intent (LOI), Pre-Application, or White Paper prior to the submission of a full proposal, it may...
Remember to Update Your Proposal Submission Status in MyFunding
For proposals that can be submitted to a sponsor directly by the Department, the Office of Sponsored Programs Specialist (Officer) will review the Funding Proposal within MyFunding and return...
Why Isn’t the Annual Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Date Showing Up in the PERIS™ module, MyFunding?
MyFunding receives a feed from an HSConnect database allowing the most recent annual COI disclosure date to prepopulate for each individual named in a proposal. There are two reasons why...
Subscribing to Funding Opportunity Announcements on Grants.gov
On November 20, 2017, Grants.gov updated how individuals can create and manage funding opportunity subscriptions. Using the site’s ...
MyRA Self-Registrations
MyRA (My Research Agreements) is the University of Pittsburgh Office of Sponsored Programs online application for the web-based development, routing, and...
Using an External Institution’s IRB as the “IRB of Record”
When two or more institutions are engaged in human subjects research, investigators may prefer to have one Institutional Review Board (IRB) serve as the “IRB of Record” to avoid duplicate review...
Consulting the Office of Sponsored Programs for Services Agreements Issued under Federal Contracts
Federal Contracts contain terms and conditions (specific requirements) that must be included in Services Agreements...
What can (and cannot) be included as NIH Appendix materials?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have policies that describe what is allowed to be included as Appendix materials in funding applications. Generally, an Appendix material is not allowed...
Checklist for Investigators Leaving the University
The Office of Research Protections (ORP) has developed a checklist for investigators who are leaving...
The Importance of Submitting Progress Reports and Final Reports on Time
By receiving and accepting an award for funding, investigators are committing to meeting all of the associated requirements, including the submission of progress reports and final reports.
...How do I know if my award is a Federal Contract and not a Federal Grant?
Most funding opportunity announcements will indicate when funding will be awarded under a Federal Contract. However, a number of other indicators can be used to identify a Federal Contract:...
What should I enter in “Sponsor Deadline Date” in Form 0136 if the sponsor’s deadline is open-ended?
Administrators and investigators completing a Form 0136 for proposals with open-ended deadlines should enter the date by which they would like the Office of Sponsored Programs to submit the...