To be registered on the NIH eRA Commons, fill in the fields below. Please provide complete information. Use the tab key to move from field to field. Click the Submit By Email button when you have completed the form.
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) registers individuals in eRA Commons for the role of Principal Investigator (PI), Sponsor (SPONSOR), Postdoctoral Associate or other Postdoctoral positions (POSTDOC), Project Personnel (PROJECT_PERSONNEL), Undergraduate Student (UNDERGRADUATE), or Assistant (ASST).
A Project Director/Principal Investigator (P.D./P.I.) must be registered on the NIH eRA Commons with the role of PI to submit proposals to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A P.D./P.I. who is registered on the NIH eRA Commons will be able to check the status of his/her proposals by logging into the Commons. The registered P.D./P.I. will also be able to electronically supply Just-In-Time information and eSNAP (non competing progress report) information.
A Sponsor (Mentor) of Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA of individual fellows must be registered on the NIH eRA Commons with the role of SPONSOR because sponsors/mentors must participate in the termination process of the fellowship (xTrain Termination of Fellowships Quick Reference Guide for Institution Users)
Individuals that require the Trainee role are to be registered through xTrain. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the xTrain Appointment, Re-Appointment, and Amendment Quick Reference Guide for Institution Users.
A Postdoctoral Associate or someone with a similar Postdoctoral position must be registered with the role of POSTDOC on the Commons if that person is in a project role and has provided or is providing measurable effort on a project for at least one person month or more (New Requirement for eRA Commons User Ids for Individuals in a Postdoctoral Project Role with Measurable Effort on an NIH Annual Progress Report (PHS 2590) NOTE: The Commons Postdoctoral role should NOT be used for individuals submitting Individual Fellowship applications. The PI role will continue to be used for those submissions.
Users with the role of ASST (Assistant) will initially have no access other than updating their own personal profile but a given P.D./P.I. with the role of PI will be able to delegate a person with the ASST role the authority to aid the P.D./P.I. with eSNAP submittals and the maintenance of profile information.