NCEs without formal amendment to the agreement represent the most common issue that needs to be addressed for corporate funded agreements and occur because the period of performance identified for Sponsored Projects Accounting in the award record is drawing to a close. In general, NCEs permit additional time for the completion of the original scope of work without the provision of additional funding. Provided that the agreement does not include a specific end date for the agreement (such as termination one year from execution), formal amendment to the agreement is NOT necessary. Follow Procedure 1.
If the agreement contains a specific term, either through reference to a specific date or timeframe (e.g., agreement will terminate one year from the effective date), then formal amendment to the agreement will be necessary. Follow Procedure 2.
Procedure 1-NCE memo only; no formal amendment to agreement needed:
- PI/PI's Department should review the corporate funded agreement to determine if this agreement contains a definitive end date. If no definitive end date is contained in the agreement, proceed with this Procedure 1; otherwise, go to Procedure 2.
- PI's department should verify annual Conflict of Interest (COI) filing using Faculty/Researcher form and completion of relevant CITI modules for all key personnel.
- If all documentation is in order, OSP will approve the request and notify Sponsored Projects Accounting.
*Subject to sponsor requirements and/or OSP procedure changes.
Procedure 2-NCE with formal amendment to agreement needed:
- PI/PI's department should review the corporate funded agreement to determine if this agreement contains a definitive end date. If the agreement contains a specific date, a formal amendment is required.
- PI/PI's department should discuss the need for an extension to the term of the contract with the corporate partner. In most cases, the corporate partner will provide a draft amendment to address the extension to the term of the agreement (request an editable Word version to permit negotiation of changes). OSP can draft the amendment if the corporate partner does not have a template amendment or prefers that the University draft the amendment.
- PI's department should verify annual Conflict of Interest (COI) filing using Faculty/Researcher form and completion of relevant CITI modules for all key personnel.
Request award modification via MyFunding. Please refer to the Award Modification Request – No Cost Extension quick guide.
OR will review the request and will negotiate any necessary changes to the amendment.
Once the amendment has been finalized, OSP will sign the finalized amendment.
OR will provide PI/PI's department with a copy of the fully executed amendment via MyFunding to be retained on file for reference purposes. OSP will also notify Sponsored Projects Accounting
*Subject to sponsor requirements and/or OSP procedure changes.