During the course of a funded research project, it may be necessary to clarify or augment the scope of work for the project. If such clarifications do not involve a corresponding change to the budget for the project, this change can often be made via a simple amendment to the contract. Procedures for amendments involving budget changes follow a slightly different procedure.
Procedure to Initiate Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Review:
- PI/PI's department and the sponsor should discuss the need for the change in scope of work (SOW).
- Often, the corporate partner will provide a draft amendment to address the change in SOW (request editable Word version to permit negotiation of changes). OSP can draft the amendment if the corporate partner does not have a template amendment or prefers that the University draft the amendment.
- Department should verify annual Conflict of Interest (COI) filing using Faculty/Researcher form and completion of relevant ISER/CITI modules for all key personnel.
- Request award modification via MyFunding . Please refer to the Award Modification Request - Revised NGA quick guide.
- OSP will review the submission packet and will negotiate any necessary changes to the amendment.
- Once the amendment has been finalized, OSP will circulate the finalized amendment to the PI for signature.
- OSP will provide PI/PI's department with a copy of the fully executed amendment via PDF to be retained on file for reference purposes.
*Subject to sponsor requirements and/or OSP procedure changes.