For corporate funded agreements, changes in budget can often be associated with changes in PI, changes to the scope of work, and/or changes to the period of performance for the project. The documentation to be submitted to OSP will depend upon your specific project and the changes being made.
Procedure to Initiate Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Review:
- PI/PI's department and the sponsor should discuss the budget changes and any associated changes for this project.
- Often, the corporate partner will provide a draft amendment to address the budget changes (request editable Word version to permit negotiation of changes). OSP can draft the amendment if the corporate partner does not have a template amendment or prefers that the University draft the amendment.
- Department should verify annual Conflict of Interest (COI) filing using Faculty/Researcher form and completion of relevant ISER/CITI modules for all key personnel.
- Request award modification via MyFunding. Please refer to Award Modification Request - Revision Supplement quick guide.
- OSP will review the submission packet and will negotiate any necessary changes to the amendment. MyFunding. Please refer to
- Once the amendment has been finalized, OSP will circulate the finalized amendment to the department for PI signature and request any outstanding compliance memos.
- Once the amendment is fully executed, OSP will approve the modification.
*Subject to sponsor requirements and/or OSP procedure changes.