Please see 05/11/2021 News and Notes for updated information on IACUC Congruency Reviews
What is a GAR?
A Grant Application Review (GAR), completed by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), is required before monies can be released by the Office of Sponsored Programs for Public Health Service (PHS), National Science Foundation (NSF) or American Heart Association (AHA) awards. A GAR will need to be completed when either animal studies are being conducted at the University of Pittsburgh or funds from a University of Pittsburgh award are being used through a subaward to support the animal research at another institution.
During the GAR, the IACUC ensures that the animal research proposed in the grant is contained in an IACUC-approved protocol.
When should I apply for a GAR?
The best time to apply for a GAR is upon receiving notice of a fundable score on a PHS, NSF, or AHA submission (new or competing renewal) that includes conducting live animal procedures. The IACUC website has more detailed information on submitting an award for a GAR and an electronic submission process
Do I have to apply for a GAR at the time of grant award if the animal research activities will not be conducted until year 2, 3 or 4 of an award?
Yes, with rare exception
The IACUC review must be performed prior to the conduct of any PHS-supported animal activity.
In rare cases, IACUC review of animal activities is conducted later in the life cycle of a grant or contract. This occurs if a delayed onset of animal activities is a component of the experimental research design described in the Vertebrate Animal Section of the grant application or contract proposal (e.g., the initial development of a drug or device with subsequent animal testing projected into the future). In these circumstances, the funding component will issue a Notice of Award with a special term and condition indicating that no funds may be drawn from the grant or contract for animal activities until a valid IACUC approval date has been provided to the funding component.