Importing Mice or Rats to the University of Pittsburgh - Changes to MYRA Submission Forms and Compliance Reviews

The University has implemented changes to streamline the processing for material transfer agreements (MTAs) for University faculty importing (receiving) mice or rats. The MTA questions in the Office of Sponsored Programs’ web-based system MyRA* have been altered to facilitate this change.

You may notice that some compliance questions, for example those relating to recombinant DNA or radiation safety, are now omitted. These compliance questions will now be covered through the IACUC approval process. For most typical MTAs for mice and rats, the MTA can be completed while compliance approvals are pending. There may be rare cases where a provider of materials requires compliance approvals to be in place, but those are expected to be infrequent. This means most mouse/rat MTAs will proceed to signature while faculty separately complete the needed compliance reviews. This streamlined process will only apply to MTAs for mice or rats.

If you have any questions about this change to MTA processing for mice or rats, please contact

More information on the process for importing mice or rats can be found on the Office of Sponsored Programs website:



Friday, October 2, 2015