The meaning of the term "Key Personnel" can vary depending upon whether the context is a contract or a grant. However, in general it refers to employees of the awardee who are engaged in the awarded project, listed in the award application, progress report, or any other report submitted to the sponsor and who are considered by the sponsor as essential resources in the work performance. (The sponsor may review the qualifications of any substitution of these individuals and require prior approval for replacement of said personnel.)
For the Clinical and Corporate Contract Team, Key Personnel refers to individuals who are specifically and uniquely important to the study. Key Personnel typically includes the principal investigators and coinvestigators, but is dependent upon the individual award. Departments may include lab technicians, research coordinators, etc. as Key Personnel if these individuals have a unique skill set that is required for the study. Please note that Key Personnel are required to complete the appropriate Conflict of Interest Faculty/Researcher filing at least annually (and during the year if they accrue new outside interests), as well as ISER/CITI modules relevant to the project.
For the Federal Contract Services team, Key Personnel refers to individuals who are identified as such by the Sponsor within the award document. Key Personnel typically includes the principal investigators and coinvestigators, but is dependent upon the individual award. Please note that Key Personnel are required to complete the appropriate Conflict of Interest Faculty/Researcher filing at least annually (and during the year if they accrue new outside interests), as well as ISER/CITI modules relevant to the project. Information specific to US Department of Health and Human Services regulations can be found at:
For the Grants Management Services team, Key Personnel refers to individuals who are identified as such by the Sponsor within the award document, application, or progress report. Key Personnel typically includes the principal investigators and co-investigators, but is dependent upon the individual award. Please note that Key Personnel are required to complete the appropriate Conflict of Interest Faculty/Researcher filing at least annually (and during the year if they accrue new outside interests), as well as ISER/CITI modules relevant to the project. Information specific to NIH guidance can be found at: