As part of the federal government’s efforts to implement the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, the Department of Energy (DOE) has provided additional guidance regarding disclosures of foreign support when applying for DOE-supported financial assistance. Key points of the DOE guidance are summarized below.
Per the DOE Financial Assistance Letter No. FAL 2022-04, all applications for DOE financial assistance must include certain current and pending support information for all senior/key personnel. Current and pending support that must be disclosed includes the following:
- All resources made available, or expected to be made available, to an individual in support of the individual’s research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) efforts, regardless of –
- whether the source is foreign or domestic;
- whether the source is governmental or private-sector;
- whether the resource is made available through the entity applying for an award or directly to the individual; or
- whether the resource has monetary value.
- In-kind contributions requiring a commitment of time and directly supporting the individual’s RD&D efforts, such as the provision of office or laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees, or students.
- Gifts provided with or without terms or conditions.
- Financial support for laboratory personnel.
- Participation of student and visiting researchers supported by other sources of funding.
- Appointments, including –
- Paid or unpaid;
- Full-time, part-time, or voluntary;
- Faculty, visiting, adjunct, or honorary.
- Involvement in foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs.
For more information on DOE updates, please refer to the following: