The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has three main processing teams. Proposals and awards are processed by team according to the original (prime) funding source and mechanism.
- Grants Management Services Team – Processes proposals and awards in which the prime source of funding is from nonprofit organizations, federal or state grants, and cooperative agreements.
- Federal Contract Services Team – Processes proposals and awards in which the prime source of funding is from federal contracts or Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs).
- Clinical and Corporate Contract Services Team – Processes proposals and awards where the prime source of funding is from for-profit sponsors (corporate/industry).
If Pitt is receiving a subaward, the prime source of funding determines which OSP team reviews and processes. For example, if the National Science Foundation (NSF) awards a grant to Company X, which then issues Pitt a subaward, the incoming subaward would be processed by the Grants Management Services Team because the prime source of funding is a federal grant.