You may think that because you have purchased materials from a repository such as ATCC, Addgene, or Jackson Labs, you can freely share those materials as you wish with other researchers or third parties. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Each repository has its own set of terms and conditions that restrict our ability to share these materials without their prior express written permission.
The repositories must protect the rights of the original owners who have provided their materials to the repository. In fact, some materials have special terms and conditions on top of the standard terms required by the repository, because the owner requires additional limitations on the use of his/her material.
In addition, the repositories must be careful that the materials they provide are being used in compliance with any relevant government regulations.
Because of this, each purchase comes with an agreement that includes certain terms of use. These terms limit our ability to distribute, sell, transfer, lend, or otherwise make available the material without prior written approval from the repository. This limitation extends not only to the original materials, but to their progeny, unmodified derivatives, and any of the material that is contained or incorporated in modifications.
What should I do if I want to share materials purchased from a repository?
Anytime you wish to share materials, you should complete an outgoing MTA submission form for the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Be sure to check *YES* when answering the question, “does the material incorporate or is the material derived from materials obtained from a third party?