Electronic grant application submissions can be quite confusing, especially when more than one system can be utilized to submit a proposal (i.e., ASSIST or Grants.gov). Since the Office of Sponsored Programs does not receive a system notification that a proposal is available for submission, we ask that you notify your Grants and Contracts Officer or your Grants Coordinator (dependent upon mechanism) when the electronic submission is available and indicate under which system the proposal is located. If you do not know who your grants officer is for the submission, please notify the Associate Director for Grants Management (Christine McClure).
The proposal should be ready for submission before the internal paperwork is submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. Feel free to mark the Grants Submission Cover Page to indicate whether it is an ASSIST or Grants.gov proposal. In the event of an unforeseen circumstance where the stocks and internal budget arrive at the Office of Sponsored Programs prior to the proposal upload, it is imperative that the Office of Sponsored Programs be notified when the application is available for submission, so that the submission of the proposal is not delayed.