Tip of the Week
Learning Lab Resources
Learning Lab Resources
Financial Risks Associated with Advance Accounts
Establishing an advance account prior to the formal receipt, review, and acceptance of an award by the University carries financial risks.
Advance accounts are intended to be temporary...
Contracting with Individuals
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) generally does not issue research agreements directly to individuals due to compliance with federal and institutional policies, risk management...
Incoming FOIA Requests
The University of Pittsburgh often receives Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to obtain information from federal proposal applications. The Office of...
Preparing for the NIH SciENcv Requirement in 2025
Effective May 25, 2025, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the use of Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) for...
End-of-Year Corporate Funded Agreements
As the end of the calendar year approaches, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) receives many time-sensitive requests to review and sign research agreements from corporate sponsors. Many...
New Resource Available to Faculty & Research Administrators
The Research Concierge Program has added grant proposal preparation checklist templates to their website. Whether you are submitting your...
What is the correct process for submitting NIH award closeout documents?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) require Final Invention Statements (FIS) and Final Research Performance Progress Reports (FRPPR) to be routed and...
Pitt faculty with joint appointments at the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital...
Important Reminder: Limited Submissions Process
Limited Submissions are funding opportunities in which the sponsoring agency restricts the number or type of applications that can be submitted from an institution. All limited submissions,...
Award Activation Processing
Departmental research administrators can help expedite award processing and account setup by including the Scope of Work (SOW) and a current detailed budget as attachments to the...
New Learning Lab Videos Available
The Pitt Research Concierge Program’s Learning Lab has launched two new videos:
Research Data Management
- ...
What do I need to disclose to the NIH?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) require investigators to disclose research activities, financial support, in-kind support, positions, appointments, and other types of information through...
Reminder: Routing Documents for OSP Signature
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has seen an increase in the number of documents incorrectly routed for signature, including those not routed through internal systems and review processes....
Sending Materials to For-Profit Companies
When sending Pitt materials to for-profit companies, it is important for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to know if there is also collaborative activity by Pitt faculty (ex: expectation of...